Greg Wilbur

  • Greg Wilbur

    Following the muse
  • “About 9000 years ago in the Near East, man first learned to extract metal from the earth and hammer it into an object. Ever since then, the hands of metalsmiths have shaped the collective history of man.”
    — Eileen Cotter Howell, with contributions from Momoko Okada and Greg Wilbur
  • About


    Born and educated in Oregon, Greg finished formal schooling at the University of Oregon in 1978, with degrees in Fine Art and Art Education.  He is a Viet Nam veteran. He is known for hammering/raising metal into sculptural and vessel forms, and has done so for 40 years. He is and has been an active supporter of the Creative Metal Art Guild,  Sitka Center of Art and Ecology, Seattle Metal Guild, Society of North American Goldsmiths; and was a founder of Art in the Pearl. He has taught his art form all over America, and internationally in Canada, New Zealand and France. He has participated in 100 + Art and Craft shows all over America including the Smithsonian Craft Fair and Philadelphia Crafts Show.